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Main Message

Since its creation in 1999, the United Nations Educational Center has undoubtedly been a focus in the educational alternatives of the San Miguel community, always characterized as an institution of challenges and achievements, values ​​, and continuous growth. We can say that, in these more than twenty years of uninterrupted work, we have forged the foundations of successful young people, who attend or have already graduated from some of the most recognized national and international universities.

Facing a sometimes uncertain and evolving present, the values ​​that inspired us originally will continue to be the foundation that governs us to offer society the quality education it deserves. We will continue to focus on renewing and improving what is necessary, being aligned with our original vision and mission.

We intend to strengthen what we already have, focusing on educating and transmitting to our students a love for books, learning, and knowledge, with our students being the center of our efforts and our inspiration. Our commitment is with them and for them, ensuring that they develop as integral, proactive, and creative human beings that are collaborators in the construction of a better country and a more just and peaceful world.

What we manage to cultivate in our children and young people in the present, will be reflected in our country in the future. Only with education the future that we all desire and deserve will be possible; education that is achieved through work, discipline, perseverance, effort, and dedication.

From the Principal’s Office, I send a cordial greeting and I offer my attention and respect. I am here to serve you.


María Teresa Burillo E.





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